It is not the most faithful drink in the world, but it is defiantly a delicious one. This is the Affair.

Prep time : 2 minutes

Serves : 1

Strength : Moderate
Often or not Liqueurs are not the focal point of a cocktail and usually take a back seat to a core spirit such as Vodka, Gin , Rum etc. But in this tasty drink it is all about the Liqueur and the incredible Strawberry flavour that it carries along side the rest of the ingredients. If you want to experience or try out a flavoured Liqueur you have been curious about, this is a great example of a cocktail that will help you get the best out of it.
The Strawberry liqueur combined with Orange and Cranberry juice creates a flavour pattern that anyone with a sweet tooth would fall in love with. It is not so sweet that it would put you off , but you certainly know from the get-go the kind of cocktail you have here. Adding the Soda water on top lightens things up a bit and make the drink that much more refreshing.
Not many drinks carry this sort of unique flavour and Strawberry is a pretty underrated ingredient in cocktails in our book. So, try it out, but remember to stay loyal !
Here is how it is made.
2 oz. (60ml) Strawberry Liqueur
2 oz. (60ml) Orange juice
2 oz. (60ml) Cranberry juice
Soda water (to top)
Garnish : Orange slice and a Strawberry
Add ice to a glass.
Add in the Strawberry Liqueur.
Add in the rest oof the ingredients and top with Soda water.
Garnish with a Orange slice and a Strawberry.