A Mojito twist for all you Gin lovers out there. This is the Southside Fizz.

Prep time : 3 minutes

Serves : 1

Strength : Light
When great drinks exist it’s normal for people to play about with their recipes, change things up a little and throw in their favourite ingredients into it. The Southside Fizz is very much what would happen if a classic Mojito combined with a Tom Collins. If you love your Gin and want to change up your Mojito, this is a great direction to head in.
This cocktail has all the refreshing minty appeal that everyone loves about a Mojito , but with the added flavours and tones of Gin. Of course, this changes slightly with what type of Gin you choose to use. Gins with more Botanicals like Juniper will make this drink more fragrant and flavourful, so feel free to experiment and try out new brands to make the most of it.
The light but flavourful nature of this drink makes it a perfect sipper and a great choice to have wherever you are. Drinks like these are so simple but so satisfying, we highly recommend you try this out.
Here is how it is made.
6-8 Mint leaves
2 oz. (60ml) Gin
¾ oz. (22.5ml) Lemon juice
¾ oz. (22.5ml) Sugar syrup
Soda Water (to top)
Garnish : Mint spring
Add mint leaves , Lemon juice and Sugar syrup into a shaker and muddle together to get the mint oils out the leaves.
Add ice to the shake and add in the Gin.
Shake well till chilled.
Pour into a glass over fresh ice.
Top off with Soda Water.
Garnish with a Mint Spring.